⚡ How to - @kitql/helpers
KitQL itself is not a library, it's "nothing" but a collection of standalone libraries.
Some helpers functions that we use in every project, logs
, sleep
, stringify
, ...
✅ Important notes
We want to have something light.
This is the "full" size. But, code splitting is always in mind so that you ship as less as possible
in the browser! (Check out by selecting what you use)
npm i -D @kitql/helpers
🎨 Nice & styled logs
- In terminal & browser (Don't think about SSR & CSR, just enjoy 🌈)
- Very fast & very lightweight (browser)
- out-of-the-box simple 😅
Example 1
Organize logs with SQL
as prefix. (Imagine you have multiple modules)
And this :
import { green, Log, yellow } from '@kitql/helpers'
const logSQL = new Log('SQL')
logSQL.info(`Check out the ${yellow(`yellow`)} information`)
logSQL.info(`Or the ${green(`green`)} one!`)
logSQL.error(`Hooo no!`)
logSQL.info(`Working on something...`, { level: 3 })
logSQL.info(`Working on something else...`, { level: 4 })
logSQL.success(`Perfect, it's fixed!`)
Will turn into that :

💤 Sleep
You want to wait a bit? Just sleep for x
await sleep(5000)
👋 stringify
import { stry } from '@kitql/helpers'
const obj = { value: 7 }
stry(obj) // same as JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)
Are 2 objects equal? (deep compare)
import { stryEq } from '@kitql/helpers'
const obj1 = { value: 7 }
const obj2 = { value: 6 }
strEq(obj1, obj2) // false